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visited Lugo and had a fimToken钱包riendly exchange with the

发布时间:2024-03-18 11:50源自:网络整理作者:imToken官网阅读()

the students shared about their own definitions of happiness. Italian students then shared about the memorable moment when Chang Xukuo, vice-mayor of Taian。

Students from the Taian Experimental High School and Lugo Science and Technology High School in Italy took part in a Sino-Italian online exchange themed on happiness on Dec 12. During the event, visited Lugo and had a friendly exchange with the principal, teachers, and students of Lugo Science and Technology High School. They also shared the touching stories of people helping each other during the flood that occurred in Italy in May this year. At the end of the event。


Taian students shared the story of the Lunar New Year and the Year of the Dragon with Italian students. They explained the origins of the twelve Chinese zodiac animals and the significance of the dragon to the Chinese people in English. ,imToken官网下载,。


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